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7 Lessons from "Who Says You Can't? You Do" by Daniel Chidiac

7 Lessons from "Who Says You Can't? You Do" by Daniel Chidiac
Here are 7 Lessons on "Who Says You Can't? You Do":

1. Self-Discovery is Key:

Find out what makes you happy. This is the first step to live your best life. It's like following the North Star. If you know what you're really interested in and what drives you, it will be much easier to take on those tasks. It's not always necessary to have a big plan. If you want to get through the tough spots, sometimes all you need is to know what gets you excited. Take some time to think about what you want to achieve, what you enjoy, and why you want to do it. Was that clear? It's your secret tool.

2. Commit to Your Own Life:

Take a deep breath and remember that this is your life, not anyone else's. Sometimes what other people think or expect of you can change your mind, but remember that you have to live with the decisions you make. Take a look at yourself and where you want to go. Don't just do what you think other people will like; make choices that are in line with your own values and dreams. It's like making your own home: make sure it's a spot you love and are proud of. Taking charge of your path means you own it, which is a powerful feeling.

3. Push Beyond Limits:

It's nice to be in a comfort zone, but nothing ever grows there. If you really want to move forward, you need to push those limits. Do something different, even if it makes your heart beat faster. It's where the magic happens, so enjoy the times when you feel uncomfortable. Getting out of your comfort zone can help you grow in ways you didn't expect. This is true whether you're trying a new skill, job, or hobby. Remember that every failure is an opportunity to make things right. It's all part of the process.

4. Awaken Your Mind and Unchain Your Heart:

Take on this fun challenge: learn new things all the time. Read, look around, and ask questions. There are lots of fresh thoughts and points of view in the world that can make your journey more interesting. Don't let mental blocks and old ideas stop you. Develop an attitude that is open to new things and opportunities instead. When you think positively, you don't ignore problems; you face them with the mindset of "I can handle this." Having hope will help you reach your goals like rocket fuel.

5. Shift Your Focus:

It's very simple to get stuck on what you can't do or what you haven't done yet. The catch is that focussing on your limits will only keep you stuck. Change the story and look at what you can do and how you can improve. Having a growth attitude means that you see problems as chances to learn and grow instead of as problems to solve. If you believe that you can learn and change, you'll make progress that you didn't think was possible.

6. Empower Your Surroundings:

Ever think about how the people around you can change the way you act and feel? People who support you, believe in your dreams, and tell you to go for it should be around you. Relationships that are positive and helpful can make all the difference. They not only keep you going, but they also give you a boost that can make a huge difference on your journey. Choose to be with people who make you feel good and give you energy.

7. Fulfillment Lies Within:

Let me tell you a secret: praise and material things don't make you truly happy or successful. These things happen when you live a life that is in line with your loves and beliefs. It's about doing the things that make you feel real and living. Focus on what truly makes you happy instead of seeking approval from others or the next big thing. Living your life as you are and making a difference in the world? That's where real happiness comes from.

Book: https://amzn.to/3WE1uCC


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