7 Books That Teach You More than a Psychology Degree

1. Your Brain Is Playing Tricks On You
Book: https://amzn.to/4cTcq5X
Moukheiber's "Your Brain Is Playing Tricks On You" is a deep look at how our minds can trick us without us even realising it. It's like a trip into the strange and sometimes scary ways our brains work. Moukheiber breaks it all down in a way that is both eye-opening and easy to understand. He talks about everything from why we believe lies to how our memories can trick us. Not only is it important to know the tricks our brains play, but also to know why they happen and how to avoid them. This book shows us the interesting science behind why we see and remember the things we do. It's like a nice guide through the maze of our own minds.
2. Surrounded By Idiots
Book: https://amzn.to/4cXKpu0
Thomas Erikson's "Surrounded By Idiots" is a great way to quickly learn about other people's personalities. Have you ever thought about why some people bother you so much and others are so easy to get along with? Erikson uses colours to divide people into four main groups: red, yellow, green, and blue. It's like a guide for figuring out how people act. Erikson helps you figure out how to talk to people better and avoid those awkward times, whether they are a fiery red personality who likes to act or a cool blue thinker who loves details. It's like learning how to stay sane in the crazy world of personalities from someone who lives it.
3. What To Say When You Talk To Your Self
Book: https://amzn.in/d/05ZhJUgw
If you want to read a book that will help you, "What to Say When You Talk To Yourself" by Shad Helmstetter is it. It's about how the way we talk to ourselves can make or break us. Did you ever tell yourself, "I'll never be good at this" or "I always mess things up"? A lot of thought goes into how these habits of self-talk affect our lives more than we know. You can change your brain for success by changing those negative scripts with affirmations that are good for you. Being able to see inside your own mind and learn how to reset your thinking is like getting a backstage pass. This book has the tips and tricks you need to feel better about yourself, reach your goals, and become your own biggest fan.
4. Influence
Book: https://amzn.to/3A6i9Xv
Robert B. Cialdini's "Influence" is a great book for learning why we say "yes" to some things and "no" to others. Have you ever thought about how salespeople and marketers seem to be so good at getting us to buy something? It can be summed up in six main ideas, such as shortage, social proof, reciprocity, and social proof. It's like taking a look behind the screen to see how our minds work when we make choices. This book shows the sneaky tricks and triggers that make us do what we do, whether it's buying something big or getting that extra cookie at the bakery. It's not enough to know how to persuade people; you also need to act morally when you use what you know. To sum up, this book is your guide if you want to learn the tricks of reasoning and play the influence game like a pro.
5. The Laws Of Human Nature
Book: https://amzn.to/3WiCmAT
Robert Greene's "The Laws of Human Nature" is like a deep dive into what makes people do what they do. Do you ever wonder why someone does what they do or how to deal with people who are difficult? Greene gives away secrets about how people act by using examples from history and psychology research. It's like having a manual to figure out the deeper reasons and patterns behind what we do. This book will teach you how to read people better and boost your emotional intelligence. It will help you handle social situations like a pro. It's not enough to know the rules; you have to use them to improve your relationships and reach your goals. So, if you want to learn how to affect people and figure out how people work, Greene has got you covered with this interesting book.
6. Read People Like A Book
Book: https://amzn.to/3A7HZuf
"Read People Like a Book" by Patrick King is like a crash lesson in figuring out how people act. At times, you might wish you could tell what someone is really feeling or thinking from the way they move or speak. In How to Read People, King breaks down the art of reading people into useful tips and insights. It's like getting special information about how someone's body language, voice, and other small signs show what they really want. The skills in this book will help you read between the lines, whether you're trying to get along with other people or do well in a job interview. It's not enough to just observe; you need to learn how to read people's minds too. If you want to get better at reading people and improve your relationships, King's book is the one you should read.
7. Games People Play
Book: https://amzn.to/3WCfKwD
"Games People Play" by Eric Berne is an interesting look into the tricks we all play on ourselves all the time. Have you ever heard someone say something and not been sure what they really meant? Berne looks into these social encounters and calls them "games" that we play every day. It's like finding out the unsaid rules of how people talk and act. From "Why Don't You... Yes, But" to "If It Weren't For You," Berne shows these patterns in a clever and wise way. It's not enough to just understand these games; you also need to be able to spot them when they happen and know how to react correctly. Berne's book is a must-read if you want to learn more about how our talks and relationships work. You'll nod your head in agreement.
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